The need for analog days

the need for analog daysI get in trouble when I don’t step away from the glowing, mesmerizing screen. By trouble I mean time passes and my mind disengages and I accomplish nothing in the hypnotic glow.

We need analog days, days spent away from electronic screens – to clear the eyes and mind of the Internet clutter.

On “normal” days we need fewer peeks at the devices – for the same reason.

We need “no-TV days (or weeks)” for the same reason.

It is good to connect with others in real time, face to face. It is good to connect with others with our electronic devices, but not unfocused and random surfing, when you’re online not to connect so much as to pass the time and/or ignore real work purposefully or inadvertently.

It’s probably a good thing to plan what you’re going to do online and for what purpose, and schedule a certain time and length of time.

Otherwise your eyes will glaze over and you’ll enter a zombified trance, and who knows when you’ll ever emerge …